The Flash! – January 1, 2015

This week we welcome Church Administrator Matthia McCracken to the writer’s desk…

Almost any crochet pattern, whether you’re making a doily or a sweater, ends with the same three words. I dread these three small words every time I begin a new project.

Weave in ends.

If you knit or crochet, any time you change a color or need to begin a new ball of yarn, there is this little tail of yarn that remains hanging out there until you tuck it away into the other stitches. These little tails add up once you get to the end of the project.

And so, when I think I’m done there’s always that one last step waiting for me, and it is a tedious step. Each time I begin a new project, I promise myself I’ll weave in the ends as I go along… which works for the first couple until I get bored and start putting them off to the end.

One cannot help reaching the close of the year without a few loose ends we need to weave in. Some of us are better at taking care of these things throughout the year, while others are more like me and put it off or prefer to do it all in one go.

As you weave in the ends of your 2014, whether they are business or family, joyful or painful, may you look forward to a year of hope and peace in 2015.

God Bless,

Matthia McCracken

Click here to read more about this Sunday’s service and Hanover Events in this week’s Flash!
