The Flash! – February 19, 2015

Symbols tell stories; deep, important, powerful stories.  Not only do they capture our stories, the symbols we use proclaim our stories to the world.

For followers of Christ the cross tells the story of God’s sacrificial love.  And yet the symbols of the cross are as rich and varied as those who tell its story.  Every cross tells a story…

Because symbols tell of things that hold ultimate meaning, they have unparalleled power: we need to choose and use them wisely and well.  Painful example: when modern day crusaders set burning crosses in front yards to ignite fear in their pursuit of personal power and control.

Especially as we focus on our most sacred and revered symbol this Lent, let us be ever more committed to use the power of the cross to build and bind community, and ever more vigilant that it never be used for anything less.


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