The Flash! – April 16, 2015

Have you every considered your many identities?  When I play the identity game it goes a little like this: I am son and father; husband and brother; neighbor and friend; cousin and nephew; servant and leader.  Each of these identities represent different relationships; each relationship puts me in a different role.  By the grace of God we are each a unique child of God.  What makes us unique is the compilation and combination of our relationships.  As such the joy of the journey is to be found in the many roles that we are blessed to receive and offer.  And so I commend to you this week the identity game.  In this first half, take a couple of moments and consider all of your identities and relationships.  Then, rejoice in your uniqueness, and the many roles you are blessed to play.

The Easter season good news: God is the identity game champion.  Through Jesus, God has endless identities, one for each of us; each one rooted in a unique relationship; each one serving a different role.  When Jesus plays the identity game, it looks a little like the image above.

As we continue to rejoice in the Resurrection and Risen Christ, I commend the second half of the identity game.  To play, simply fill in the blank: Jesus is my _______.  May God bless our clarity about who Jesus is to us, no less than we trust in who we are to him.



Click here to read more about Family Promise, New Member Classes, and the Super Sale in this week’s Flash!